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Welcome to Sobervation!

Welcome to Sobervation!

Hi, my name is Eric Kramer and I am the creator of

Man standing outside holding a sign that says 2 years alcohol free


My sobriety journey started back on July 11th, 2021.  

Unhappy with life in general, I needed to make a change. 

I had gone through years of alcohol abuse to numb past traumas. 

I managed my alcoholism for years pretty well, well, let’s just say that I never got fired from a job directly because of alcohol.  

In 2020 when the pandemic hit, my drinking got out of control.  

I was getting out of bed at 9:00am and pouring myself vodka/Diet Pepsi to ease the throbbing in my head from the night before.  

I was blackout drunk most of the time in 2020 and 2021.  

One day I woke up, looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the mess that I had turned into. 

I quit, cold turkey.  I even started a blog to track my daily progress in the beginning. I go back and read my entries from that first week and I am so happy that I chose to get sober.  

Fast forward 26 months later and here we are.  

Part of my sober “brand” so to speak, is spreading positivity and motivating others to at least explore an alcohol free lifestyle.  

One night, my husband and I were laying in bed brainstorming names and we boiled it down to the two main things we want to put out into the world.  

Be part of normalizing an alcohol free lifestyle and motivate people to explore it.  Sober + Motivation = Sobervation

These products are all hand curated and the majority of them are designed by me personally.  

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